Country hall


The original building from the 18th century was rebuiltin classicistic style in the year 1813. At the moment there are some administrative departments and offices of the town Komárno and the regional offices of the Bureau of Employment, Social and Family Affairs.

Samuel Borovszky writes about the building in 19th century the next:

"We can get from the Klapka-square to the County street, which comes down from the high-end of the town in paralel with the Palatine Street and ends in the Klapka-Square too. This street, as well as the Baross Streeet, Palatine Street and the Klapka-Square, is full of shops, coffee-houses and restaurants. The spacious, two-storeyed County house is situated here, which was built by the local county aristocracy. It has a nice courtyard, where we can see the prison which once belonged to the administration of the County, then it became a property of the state. Today it is a royal court jail."
