He was the son of the king Albert I. and Eisabethvon Luxemburg (the daughter of the king Sigismundus von Luxemburg). Ladislaus was bornon 22. February 1440 in Komárno, 4 months after the death of his relative young father. An other important thing happened that night: according to the command of Elisabeth, one Lady of the court, Mrs. Kottanner and several servants had stolen the Hungarian Crown, they sew it in a pillow and took it to Komárno. This way had the queen achieved the coronation of her baby son and make the coronation of an other man Vladislaus I. impossible. The coronation was fully regular: it happened in the town Székesfehérvár, with the Saint Crown and the ceremony was led by the cardinal from the town Esztergom (these were the rules of the legitimate coronation of Hungarian kings). Elisabeth died two years after the birth of his son, at the age of 33 in the town Győr.