In September 1849, Béni Egressy was among the defenders of the Komárno fortress as a lieutenant general. It was here that he wrote the Klapka marching song (Klapka-induló). After the defeat of the war of independence, he was released with the asylum of György Klapka and returned to the stage.
In the year of the 170th anniversary of the Hungarien War of Independence of 1848/1849, on 15. September 2018, was the nearly three-meter-full-length statue of Béni Egressy inaugurated next to the fortress in Komárno, the work of the sculptor János Nagy.
The establischment of the statue was initiated by the Jókai Public Culture and Museum Association, and was supported by the Circle of Friends of the Old Students and Teachers of the Hungarian Grammar School in Komárno. The five-quarter-man-sized bronze statue was cast in the Hungarian city Mór.