Reformed church in Nové Zámky


As a result of the bombing in March 1945, 80 percent of the city’s buildings collapsed, including the Reformed church and parish. Twelve years later, in 1957, Reformed church and parish were built on the old foundations. The tower, which was renovated in 1976, is 30 m high. The church was completely renovated in 1984. The copper plate on the hardwood benches features the names of the donating families. The interior equipment includes an organ and harmonium. In 1986, the long-awaited wish of the congregation was fulfilled, and he was able to purchase a 33,000 crown electric organ on his own. The Reformed Church in Nové Zámky, with its noble simplicity, is one of the most precious monuments of the modem architectural style of our time.



940 02 Nové Zámky Pribinova 3481/22
